That's right, he has a hidden skill nobody knew. Today Chris Kanakis just completed his 4th event to date in one of the newest types of modeling... Ultrasound Modeling! Ultrasound equipment is now being used as a more and more popular way of viewing the internal anatomy of the human body. The experience Chris Kanakis now has and his shameless compliance to do it in his UNDERWEAR for easier access to his quote "muscular legs and wide thoracic cavity " to get to those hard to scan areas... makes him the PERFECT model for your next ultrasound event ;) On time and prepared at that!
- American College of Chest Physicians (Live Ultrasound Model)
- GE Healthcare (Live Ultrasound Model)
- Sonosite (Live Ultrasound Model @ EMS Today event)
- Northwest Anesthesia Seminars (Live Ultrasound Model)